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Gorila (Gorilla gorilla) - este cea mai mare maimuta. Masculul atinge 2 m inaltime, o latime a umerilor de 0,80 m si o greutate de 250 kg. Sursa: Enciclopedia de Biologie - Editura All

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Subiecte Oral

Limba engleza - subiect - examen oral

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Pentru a evalua competentele de comunicare orala, candidatii vor fi solicitati:
- sa faca dovada ca inteleg un text necunoscut atat in detaliu (pentru o anumita informatie / un anumit amanunt), cat si in ansamblu (continut, tema, mesaj, tip de text), prin rezolvarea unor sarcini de lucru, conform cerintelor date;
- sa exprime un punct de vedere si sa emita judecati de valoare in legatura cu ideile din textul respectiv, sa faca trimiteri, asociatii sau comparatii cu alte texte cunoscute sau cu aspecte din viata de fiecare zi;
- sa realizeze un monolog / o expunere orala (de tip narativ, descriptiv, argumentativ) pe baza unei teme date; discursul trebuie sa fie echilibrat, logic si coerent, interesant si convingator prin relevanta argumentelor si a exemplelor folosite;
- sa faca dovada capacitatii de a comunica eficient prin utilizarea in mod adecvat (stilistic si functional) a elementelor de constructie a comunicarii si a functiilor specifice limbii engleze.
Proba orala va avea urmatoarea structura, in functie de numarul de ore de studiu saptamanal:
1-2 ore si Minoritati / L3
Subject 1 - Reading Comprehension and Text-based Tasks - va consta dintr-un text necunoscut, nestudiat anterior, pe care candidatul il va citi in timpul acordat pentru pregatirea subiectelor, urmand sa rezolve sarcinile de lucru mentionate in cerinta, cum ar fi: formularea de raspunsuri la intrebari, formularea de intrebari, ordonarea logica / cronologica a unui text, comentarea unei fraze din text, evidentierea temei / a ideii centrale si a ideilor principale ale textului, exprimarea unor opinii personale si justificarea raspunsurilor alese. Subject 2 - Speaking - va consta din realizarea unui discurs oral pe o tema data, conform domeniilor tematice din programa scolara si din programa de bacalaureat 2005.
3-4 ore si Bilingv
Subject 1 - Reading Comprehension and Text-based Tasks - va consta dintr-un text necunoscut, nestudiat anterior, pe care candidatul il va citi in timpul acordat pentru pregatirea subiectelor, urmand sa rezolve sarcinile de lucru mentionate in cerinta, cum ar fi: rezumarea textului, identificarea punctului de vedere si a atitudinii autorului, exprimarea opiniei personale, realizarea unor comparatii intre textul respectiv si alte texte / experienta personala / experienta altor persoane.
Subject 2 - Speaking - va consta din realizarea unui discurs oral pe o tema data, conform domeniilor tematice din programa scolara si din programa de bacalaureat 2005 pentru limba engleza si va evalua capacitatea de a exprima idei, un punct de vedere personal, sutinut de argumente si exemple relevante.
Dificultatea subiectelor va fi in raport cu numarul de ore de studiu saptamanal.
Subiectele si baremele vor fi predate comisiilor de examen in plicuri sigilate in preziua examenului oral.
3. MODEL de bilet de examen pentru Minoritati / L3:
SUBJECT 1 - 45 points Read the following text:
In today's fast-moving world, people have less and less time to spend eating and cooking. This is probably why junkfood has become so popular.
But junk food is not the best thing for your health because it is high in saturated fat, which has been associated with a greater risk of cancer. The best advice then for those who cannot live without their hamburgers or chocolate bars is to limit the amount of junk food they eat.
Another alarming thing about people's lifestyles today is that, while the amount of junk food has increased, the amount of exercise we do has actually decreased.
Even though people nowadays are more aware of the importance of exercise and of a healthy diet than they were a few years ago, the new unhealthy way of life is surprisingly popular.
Answer the following questions:
1. Why has junk food become so popular?
2. Why is it important to limit the amount of junk food we eat?
3. Why do most people ignore exercise if they know it is important for their health?
SUBJECT 2-45 points
Talk about a nice day you once spent with your family. Say where you went, what you did there, and
what made it special.
4. MODEL de bilet de examen pentru 1- 2 ore saptamanal:
SUBJECT 1 - 45 points
Read the text below and do the following tasks:
a. build the questions to which the underlined words are the answers;
b. state the central idea of the fragment;
c. explain why, in your opinion, these people would not move to a big city.
In a small village in North Yorkshire, there's a big old farmhouse (1) where three families live together: Alice and George and their three children, Joe and Pam and their two children, and Sue and her baby daughter. The adults divide up the work between them. George does the cooking, Joe and Sue do most of the housework, Pam (2) looks after the shopping and does the repairs, and Alice takes care of the qarden (3). Alice, George and Sue go out to work; Joe works at home designing computer systems, and Pam, who is a painter, looks after the baby during the day. Two of the children go to school in the village, but the three oldest ones go by bus to the secondary school in the nearest town, ten miles away.
The three families get on well (4), and enjoy their way of life. There are a few difficulties, of course. The biggest worry at the moment is money - one of the cars needs replacinq (5), and the roof needs some expensive repairs. But this isn't too serious - the bank has agreed to a loan, which they expect to be able to pay back in three years. And they all say they would much rather go on living in their old farmhouse than move to a luxury flat in a big city.
SUBJECT 2-45 points
Speak about a film you particularly liked and give three reasons for your choice.
Textele si temele pentru comunicarea orala vor fi alese din urmatoarele domenii: personal: - identity, ideals, feelings;
- home, family, friends, acquaintances, relationships;
- clothing, personal health, diet;
- books, pets, plants, hobbies;
- meals, food and drinks, eating habits;
- family occasions, holidays and trips;
- entertainment and leisure activities: TV and radio programmes, reading, music;
- incidents, accidents, happenings, events;
- everyday life and living routine etc.
public: - railways, airports, means of transport, travels (by air/land/sea);
- shops, supermarkets, shopping;
- sports, games, sporting events, sportsmen;
- theatre, cinema, museums, exhibitions;
- hotels, pubs, restaurants, services;
- the media: television, radio, newspapers and magazines;
- advertising; the environment;
- customs and traditions; social, historical and political events etc.
educational: - school / college life, classes, subjects, teachers, mates, learning strategies, careers;
- visits, trips; exchanges, matches, competitions;
- libraries, computers, books vs computers;
- festivals, shows, cultural events;
- books: stories, short-stories, novels, plays etc.
general: - human achievements in science and technology;
- human rights, democratic values, responsibilities, (in)justice;
- (in)tolerance, extremism, terrorism;
- wars, conflicts, dangers; peace struggle;
- positive thinking, prejudices, stereotypes;
- elements of British and American culture and civilisation etc.
6. TIMPUL la dispozitia candidatului: - pentru elaborarea raspunsurilor: 15-20 minute
- pentru prezentare: 10-15 min.
Se recomanda comisiei de examen:
• sa faca copii xerox dupa subiectele primite pentru proba orala inainte de a le decupa in vederea asamblarii lor in bilete de examen si sa pastreze originalul pentru a preintampina orice confuzie intre subiectele de acelasi tip (ex. Subiectul 2) ale diferitelor categorii (ex. 1-2 ore, 3-4 ore, etc);
• sa faca un set de bilete pentru candidati si cate un set pentru fiecare profesor examinator;
Fiecare profesor examinator trebuie:
• sa urmareasca expunerea fiecarui candidat venind cu intrebari ajutatoare, numai daca este cazul;
• sa evite intrebarile "capcana";
• sa faca o evaluare pozitiva prin cuantificarea elementelor corecte din raspunsurile fiecarui candidat;
• sa aplice baremul de evaluare a raspunsurilor orale, respectand precizarile din Metodologia de organizare si desfasurare a examenului de bacalaureat 2005, Art. 39.
• sa consemneze punctajul de evaluare in borderourile individuale, iar nota finala in fisa individuala a candidatului.
8. BAREMUL DE EVALUARE are un punctaj pe scara de la 10 la 100. Nota finala, pe scara de la 1 la 10, conform sistemului de notare romanesc, se obtine prin impartirea la 10 a punctajului obtinut de catre candidat. De exemplu: 83 puncte: 10 = 8,30. Aceasta nota se rotunjeste la cel mai apropiat intreg, adica 8, iar daca nota astfel obtinuta este 6,50, candidatul primeste nota 7 - rotunjirea se face in favoarea elevului.
Fiecare profesor examinator evalueaza raspunsul candidatului cu note intregi de la 1 la 10, dupa care se stabileste nota finala, facandu-se media aritmetica a celor doua note. Nota finala astfel obtinuta se trece in catalog si in fisa individuala a candidatului.
9. Un candidat se considera promovat la proba orala daca a obtinut nota finala 5 (cinci).
1. TASK ACHIEVEMENT...................20 points
• relevance of ideas to topic...................10 p
10-7 points: total - partial relevance to topic 6-4 points: some - little relevance to topic 3-0 points: very little - no relevance to topic
• coverage of task points...................10 p
10 - 7points: coverage of all task points - partial coverage of the task points 6-4 points: coverage of some task points - coverage of a few task points 3-0 points: coverage of few task points - coverage of no task points
2. LANGUAGE ACCURACY...................10 points
• correct grammar structures...................5 p
5 points: no / very few grammar errors
3 points: many grammar errors
0 points: grammar errors hinder communication
• range of grammar structures...................5 p
5 points: wide range of grammar structures
3 points: limited range of grammar structures
0 points: very limited range of grammar structures
3. ORGANISATION...................5 points
5 points: very clear organisation, many linking devices
3 points: unclear organisation, few linking devices
0 points: total lack of organisation, total lack of linking devices
4. REGISTER AND VOCABULARY...................5 points
5 points: appropriate register, very varied and appropriate vocabulary
3 points: mostly appropriate register, somewhat varied and appropriate vocabulary
0 points: mostly inappropriate register, basic vocabulary
5. DELIVERY: pronunciation, fluency, stress and intonation...................5 points
5 points: fluent presentation, good pronunciation, stress and intonation
3 points: somewhat fluent presentation, some pronunciation and intonation errors
0 points: no fluency; pronunciation and intonation errors hinder communication
(narrate, describe, argue, etc.)
1. TASK ACHIEVEMENT...................20 points
• relevance of ideas to topic...................10 p
10-7 points: total - partial relevance to topic 6-4 points: some - little relevance to topic 3-0 points: very little - no relevance to topic
• coverage of task points...................10 p
10 - 7points: coverage of all task points - partial coverage of the task points 6-4 points: coverage of some task points - coverage of a few task points 3-0 points: coverage of few task points - coverage of no task points
2. LANGUAGE ACCURACY...................10 points
• correct grammar structures...................5 p
5 points: no / very few grammar errors
3 points: many grammar errors
0 points: grammar errors hinder communication
• range of grammar structures...................5 p
5 points: wide range of grammar structures
3 points: limited range of grammar structures
0 points: very limited range of grammar structures
3. ORGANISATION...................5 points
5 points: very clear organisation, many linking devices
3 points: unclear organisation, few linking devices
0 points: total lack of organisation, total lack of linking devices
4. REGISTER AND VOCABULARY................... 5 points
5 points: appropriate register, very varied and appropriate vocabulary
3 points: mostly appropriate register, somewhat varied and appropriate vocabulary
0 points: mostly inappropriate register, basic or inappropriate vocabulary
5. DELIVERY: pronunciation, fluency, stress and intonation...................5 points
5 points: fluent presentation, good pronunciation / stress and intonation
3 points: somewhat fluent presentation, some pronunciation and intonation errors
0 points: no fluency, pronunciation and intonation errors hinder communication
10 points granted + 90 points = 100 points